Teachers continually monitor student learning through diagnostic and formative assessment and provide feedback that builds each student’s capacity to improve. Ongoing feedback and clear expectations enable students to reflect on and monitor their own progress.
Teachers monitor student progress using a variety of assessment including:
Summative Assessment - generally completed at the end of a unit of work to document the level of achievement. Summative assessment may include written tests, oral presentations, concept maps, project work, essays, formal assignments and exams.
Diagnostic Assessment - designed to identify areas of weakness and strength. Diagnostic assessment may include: checklists, running records, continua and formal assessment tools including PAT Maths and PAT Reading.
Teachers complete written reports twice yearly, in Term 2 and Term 4. Written reports provide information to parents about a student’s performance in each subject area studied that semester including student effort and behaviour. Students are awarded an overall grade that uses a common five-point scale.
Prep students receive a written report card which uses the five point scale of Applying, Making Connections, Working with, Exploring and Becoming Aware to report student achievement in English, Maths, Science, History and Geography. Prep teachers will use comments to report on student achievement in the early learning areas of Social and Personal Learning, Health and Physical Learning and Active Learning Processes.
Year 1 and 2 use the five point scale of Very High, High, Sound, Developing and Support Required to report on student achievement. Teachers report on effort and behaviour using the same 5 point scale.
Year 3 to 6 use the five point scale of A, B, C, D, E or N (insufficient evidence) to report on student achievement. Teachers report on effort and behaviour in these year levels using: Excellent, Very Good, Satisfactory, Needs attention and Unacceptable.